Apocalypse Press

My post-apocalyptic notes

Apocalypse Press

My post-apocalyptic notes

That's dangerous

Why should you believe in something for which there is no reason to believe. Where it becomes positively dangerous is if you start fighting with somebody else who has a different faith from yours. And each of you is equally convinced that you are right and the other one is wrong. And because, precisely because it appeals only to faith, and not evidence, there is no way you could settle the argument other than killing each other. Whereas, if you disagree, as two scientists disagree, two scientists can sit down together, look at the evidence, and say, "Oh, I was wrong. I overlooked that bit of evidence." Or, "Here's a new bit of evidence just come in which shows that my previous theory was wrong." Scientists, at least in principle, will come to an agreement when all of the evidence is in. But that's not what faith-based people do. They say, "I know I'm right. End of story." That's dangerous.

~ Richard Dawkins
نظرات 2 + ارسال نظر
زینب سه‌شنبه 4 آبان 1389 ساعت 16:50

جدا" که زیبا گفته. ایرانی جماعت می گه این درسته چون می گم! واسه همینه که همیشه باید از ایرانی های ترسید! چون همیشه از نظراتش مطمئنه! ای...

al شنبه 8 آبان 1389 ساعت 03:55

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